French Level 3/Advanced Book (Student Edition)
Our all-in-one textbook/workbook is the centerpiece of our language curriculum. With essential vocabulary, grammar fundamentals and up-to-date cultural information, our core text is everything you need for a full year’s course.
Our Level 3 / Advanced book targets students in their 3rd or 4th year of French. It is a text that highlights all the key grammar found on AP, SAT II, IB, or college placement tests.
- Continuing the strategies established in the first two books in the series, the Advanced Level begins by reviewing the major present, past, conditional and future tenses.
- Cultural articles with comprehension exercises help students get to know stories from people around the world. You will also find the following grammatical concepts:
- all perfect tenses, including the present perfect, pluperfect, future perfect and conditional perfect
- the subjunctive mood (with commands, verbs of emotion, hypothetical situations, adverbial phrases)
- comparatives, the passive voice, “if clauses,” punctuation, and uses of the infinitive
- intriguing vocabulary, with special focus on adjectives in early chapters, followed by nouns, verbs, and idiomatic expressions
Our Advanced book makes certain that every student – whether formally enrolled in school or studying independently – has all the rules he or she will ever need to know about the French language. It fully equips students for a lifetime of pleasurable and authentic contact with the Francophone world.
Click here to view a sample print chapter.
Click here for the table of contents.
ISBN: 978-1-955306-10-2