Series Author John Conner uses these warm-up activities every day in class. In fact, these exercises are "Step 1" in his acclaimed work-shop "The Ideal Lesson Plan". Divide students into pairs and have them ask/answer these questions.
First Steps
- Steps 1-4: Comment vous appelez-vous?…
- Step 5: Vocabulary
- Step 6: Est-ce que vous avez…? Comment s’appelle…? and Vocabulary
- Step 7: Est-ce que vous aimez…? and Vocabulary
- Steps 8-10: Un, Deux, Trois … Quel jour sommes-nous? .. Quel temps fait-il aujourd’hui? .. Quelle heure est-il?
- Interrogatives, Regular Verbs in the Present Tense
- Regular Verbs in the Present Tense, Interrogatives
- Subject Pronouns
Chapter Two
- Boot Verbs in the Present Tense and Vocab, Irregular Verbs in the Present Tense and Vocab
- Irregular Verbs in Present Tense and Vocab, Definite and Indefinite Articles
- Nouns- Singular and Plural Forms, Boot Verbs in the Present Tense with Vocab
Chapter Four
- Other Irregular Verbs and Vocab, Prepositions
- Other Irregular Verbs- Boot Verbs, Prepositions
- Pronouns after Prepositions
- Idiomatic Expressions with “Avoir,” Direct Object Pronouns
- Other Irregular Verbs, Possessive Adjectives
- Possessive Adjectives with Vocab, Other Irregular Verbs with Vocabulary
Chapter Six
- Indirect Object Pronouns, The Expressions “Il y a” and “C’est”
- Other Irregular Verbs, Verbs Conjugated with “Avoir” in Passe Compose
- Verbs Conjugated with “Avoir” in Passe Compose, Other Irregular Verbs
Chapter Seven
- Adverbs, Talking about the Weather
- Other Irregular Verbs, Verbs Conjugated with “Etre” in Passe Compose
- Verbs Conjugated “Etre” in Passe Compose, Adverbs
Chapter Eight
- Demonstratives Adjectives, Reflexive and Reciprocal Constructions
- Immediate Future and Recent Past, Demonstrative Adjectives
- Reflexive and Reciprocal Constructions, Immediate Future and Recent Past
Chapter Nine
- Double Object Pronouns, Imperfect Tense
- The Imperfect Tense, Partitive Article
- The Partitive Article, Double Object Pronouns
- Agreement of the Past Participle, Uses of “de” instead of the article
- Choosing between Passe Compose and Imperfect, Agreement of the Past Participle
- Uses of “de” instead of the article, Choosing between Passe Compose and Imperfect
Chapter Eleven
- Commands, Prepositions with Geographical Nouns
- Prepositions with Geographical Nouns, Relative Pronouns “Qui” and “Que”
- Relative Pronouns “Qui” and “Que,” Commands
Chapter One
Chapter Two
- Boot Verbs, Verbs Ending in “-cer” and “-ger”
- Definite, Indefinite and Partitive Articles
- Irregular Verbs in the Present Tense and Vocab, Boot Verbs
Chapter Three
- The Past Tense with “Etre,” Negative Sentences in the Passe Compose
- The Plural and Feminine Forms of Nouns
Chapter Four
- More Irregular Verbs in the Present Tense with Vocab, The Imperfect
- The Imperfect, The Imperfect and the Passe Compose
- The Plural and Feminine Forms of Adjectives
Chapter Five
- Expressions with “Avoir,” The Recent Past and the Near Future
- More Irregular Verbs, Expressions with “Avoir”
- More Irregular Verbs, The Negatives
Chapter Six
- Irregular Verbs, The Future Tense
- Personal Pronouns, Irregular Verbs
- The Future Tense, Personal Pronouns
Chapter Seven
- Irregular Verbs, Reflexive Verbs
- More Irregular Verbs, Reflexive Verbs
- Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns, Demonstrative Adjectives
Chapter Eight
- Relative Pronouns, The Conditional Tense
- Sentences with “si,” Relative Pronouns
- The Conditional Tense, Sentences with “si”
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
- Comparatives and Superlatives, Indefinite Adjectives and Pronouns
- Indefinite Articles and Pronouns, The Subjunctive Conjugations
- The Subjunctive Conjugation, Comparatives and Superlatives
Chapter Eleven
- Adverbs, Uses of the Subjunctive
- Present Participle, Adverbs
- Uses of the Subjunctive, Present Participle
Chapter Twelve
- Expressions with “Faire,” The Subjunctive After Impersonal Expressions
- Infinitive, Expressions with “Faire”
- The Subjunctive After Impersonal Expressions, Idiomatic Reflexive Verbs
Chapter One
- Conjunctions, Vocab and Verbs in the Present Tense
- Interrogatives, Conjunctions
- Subject Pronouns
- Vocab and Verbs in the Present Tense, Interrogatives
Chapter Two
- The Imperfect Tense, The Past Tense
- The Past Tense and the Imperfect Tense, Stressed Pronouns
- The Past Tense, The Imperfect Tense
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
- Future Tense, Idiomatic Expressions with “Avoir”
- Negative Constructions, Idiomatic Expressions with “Avoir”
- The Future Tense, The Future Perfect
Chapter Five
- The Conditional Perfect Tense, Sentences with “If”
- The Conditional Tense, The Feminine Form of Nouns
- The Feminine Form of Nouns, The Conditional Tense
Chapter Six
- Equal and Unequal Comparisons, Object Pronouns
- Object Pronouns, The Present Subjunctive
- The Present Subjunctive, Equal and Unequal Comparisons
Chapter Seven
- Present Subjunctive after Impersonal Expressions, The Subjunctive after Emotions and Opinions
- The Passive Voice, The Present Subjunctive after Impersonal Expressions
- The Subjunctive after Emotion and Opinions, The Passive Voice
Chapter Eight
- The Past Subjunctive, Uses of the Infinitive
- The Subjunctive after an Antecedent, The Subjunctive after some Conjunctions
- The Subjunctive after some Conjunctions, Uses of the Infinitive
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
- Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns, Relative Pronouns
- Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns, Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns
- Relative Pronouns, Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns
Chapter Eleven
- Past Definite, Indirect Speech
- Plural Nouns, Indefinite Adjectives, Pronouns and Adverbs
- Present Participle, Past Participle
Chapter Twelve
- “Il est” vs “C’est,” Verbs with Special Use
- Expressions of Time, “Il est” vs “C’est”
- Verbs with Special Use, Expressions of Time